Let us think together. What are the purposes there was human in this world? For what reason they had been created? If we compare to other living things such as trees, and animals, only us as a living things have mind to think. Animals and trees cannot think. They did not have mindeven they have brain. so, let us read and then think by using our mind.
We can see how special human is. So, why we as special creature were chosen to be in this world? There must be reason why we are here now.
The reason why we are living now, it is just for us to do what we want to do? Enjoy everything without rules and law?
If we think about it, it is logic?
As example, if someone lives in a country and does not obey the law and rules of the country, what happen to that country? That country will not be in peace. All the citizens do not obey the law and rules, they will not live peacefully.
Another example, if someone drives the car and driving without thinking others, does not obey the law and rules of highway, there will be accident.
So, as human who lives in this world, don’t you think that we as living and special creature, must have law and rules to obey. Isn’t it?
We lives in this world, we should obey the law and rules, so that we can live peacefully.
So, to obey the law as a special creature, we must obey the law and rules of the ONE who made us.
All the things that we want to do, related to the rules of the ONE. If everyone in this world obeys those rules, there will be no war anymore. Our lives as human will be peaceful.
All the things that we want to do, related to the rules of the ONE. If everyone in this world obeys those rules, there will be no war anymore. Our lives as human will be peaceful.
But, not law and rules from human’s hand. We could see that these rules were not fair. we could see before how the rules of humans’ hands are not fair.
But how we want to find the rules?
The rules only exist in religion.
But how you want to find the pure and original rules?
Search it and find it.
There is only one religion that their rules related to our lives. Our activities start from morning until night.
That rules from the ONE.
Not religion that only exist in worship house or religious house. We do not always being in religious house. So find another religion that their rules can be applied in our lives for every time.
There were many religions. But not all of them are same. So why not, find it first before decide without knowledge?
We can differentiate what is true and what is wrong because we are special creatures. So, why not we find and learn the truth?